Dr. Clint Bennetti is a lawyer by profession with a Master of Arts in Financial Services. He began his career as an associate with a law firm that specialises in financial services and investment services law, and eventually became a partner in the firm.
Following that he joined a multi-national corporate services group of companies in a director role, responsible for the day-to-day management and operations of the group’s operations in Malta. He held the role of Director Client Services of a Company Services Provider as well as Managing Director and member of the trustee committee of a Retirement Scheme Administrator. He was also the Global Director of Trust and Corporate Services, as well as the Global Director of the Legal Division for the group.
Dr. Bennetti has held a number of executive and non-executive directorships as well as company secretary positions in several companies across diverse industries. He currently provides legal and business consultancy and advisory services to a number of clients operating in various industries and acts as director, company secretary, MLRO and Compliance Officer for different entities licensed by the MFSA, including a number of funds.
Dr. Bennetti has a certificate in Trusts Law and Management and a certificate issued with respect to the Virtual Financial Assets Act by the Institute of Financial Services Practitioners in Malta. Dr. Bennetti is a member of the Institute of Financial Services Practitioners and the Malta Institute of Management, and is registered as an Authorised Registered Mandatory with the Inland Revenue Department of Malta.